Monday, July 11, 2016

Benefits of Epsom Salt

Bath salts can be the perfect end to a rough day, especially if you are in pain. Most bath salts are a combination of salts, but one that is always included is Epsom salts. This is because of all the amazing health and skin benefits that can come from Epsom salt. Below is a list of what all Epsom salt can  do for you!

  • Pain & Muscle Fatigue: Epsom salts help with inflammation, which is why Epsom salt baths are great for sore muscles and headaches. Also, it has been known to help with childbirth pains.

  • Let go of stress: Stress drains the body of magnesium and increases adrenaline. Epsom salt is absorbed through the skin (when dissolved in water) and brings up your levels of magnesium. The magnesium helps to produce serotonin, with is the chemical that helps you feel relaxed and calm.

  • Get Sexy again: Because of the previous benefit, it is said that if you bath with Epsom salts 3 times a week, you will feel better, and look better as well!

  • Increase blood circulation: Although this does not seem to beneficial, it actually is. Because of increased circulation, Epsom salts also protect the elasticity of arteries, preventing blood clots, and reducing the risk of sudden heart attack deaths.

  • Makes Insulin more effective: Magnesium also helps increase how well insulin works in the body, which can benefit those with diseases such as diabetes.

  • Helps you Poop & Detox: Hey, poop health is nothing to be ashamed of! It is something you must do to live, and if you don't..well. It really sucks. Epsom salts are great for constipation relief, and also help detox all those terrible toxins out of your body!

Of course, when using Epsom salts, it is always a great bonus to add some aromatherapy oils in there for whichever benefit you would like to increase. At BabyLove's, we have Epsom salts for muscle soreness, relaxation, and more!
Check our store out by clicking the button below!


Friday, June 24, 2016

Welcome our Little Divas Line

We have been preparing for some time, and we are now proud to announce our newest line to BabyLove's! We have now added our Little Diva's line to our collection, and at this moment we are taking orders for homemade tutu's!

It is simple to order, simply go to:
BabyLoves Store

and place your order today!
and of course, for any questions, simply go to our website and fill out the contact us form
or e-mail us at

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Benefits & Downfalls of using Loofah

Loofah sponges actually come from a plant called the luffa plant. it actually resembles a cucumber, and is sometimes called the chinese okra. however, when dried out they become the perfect all natural sponge.
not only does loofah help exfoliate skin, but it also increases circulation of your blood when using them.
The greatest benefit of using loofah is that it removes dead skin cells, which helps your skin look younger.
However, there have been many reasons to believe that loofah can have its downfall. Like anything, if you do not let your loofah air dry after use, it can start to house harmful bacteria. Also, if not replaced often over time it can have the same effect.
That is why soap with loofah already in it is a great solution! You get the benefits of the loofah, and when you are done with the soap simply throw the loofah away and purchase another one.
Below is a great link to purchase some loofah soap of your very own!

Benefits of Dead Sea Scrub

There is something truly magical about The Dead Sea. It is a salt lake that is actually 400m deep, which is apparently the lowest point on dry land. Pretty cool to think about. You can find this sea around Israel and Jordan and its beauty will capture you instantly. On top of its beauty, the sea contains amazing wonders for your body inside and out. This water is so salty, it is actually 8x saltier then ocean water. Just laying in the water will give you huge health benefits, and the mud also include many benefits as well.

Benefits of dead sea mud:

-one huge benefit is the help with certain medical conditions. some of these include skin conditions like psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. it can also help with other conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and tendonitis.

-another benefit is how it helps you detox your skin. it helps increase circulation, which pumps all the good nutrients in from the scrub and around your body. as this happens, it also helps pump out all those toxins in your skin.

-for those who have aches in there joints or muscles this can be a great pain reliever. it can help relieve pain from certain arthritic pain.

-another benefit is how much softer your skin will be. because it detoxs your skin, the more you use it the softer skin will start to naturally be.

Although it is not easy to fly overseas once a week to The Dead Sea, you can buy Dead Sea Products that will actually bring all those healing qualities to you.

That is why we offer our home made dead sea mud scrub that you can purchase below: